We apply intensive assessment, avoidance and mitigation measures to reduce potential negative impacts we might have on local ecosystems and support voluntary biodiversity protection projects near all areas of operation. Our process, as outlined by NEPA, includes (1) scoping of whether and how the project may affect biodiversity; (2) analysis of impacts; (3) identification of appropriate mitigation measures; and (4) development of a monitoring plan to evaluate mitigation efforts. We also communicate regularly with external stakeholders including landowners and community members on our efforts to avoid and minimize adverse impacts. Our approach applies a well-defined biodiversity mitigation hierarchy and is applied across the life cycle of our operations. Some examples of these efforts include:
- Routing of our pipelines to minimize potential ecosystem impacts.
- Restoring (where possible) affected habitats to pre-construction condition or better.
- Monitoring habitat restoration in areas impacted during construction and documenting restoration efforts to relevant regulatory agencies.
- Restoring affected wetlands or purchasing wetland credits to offset impacts.
- Applying internal monitoring and response processes for migratory birds and other wildlife.
We require all of our chartered shipping vessels to follow international standards focused on reducing impacts to marine ecosystems. This includes best practices for handling ballast water, wastewater management, and spill prevention and control measures. Our chartered vessels are also compliant with the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships’ (MARPOL) international agreements on preventing pollution from ships and the International Maritime Organization’s low-sulfur fuel requirements. Furthermore, our chartered fleet is among the cleanest in the industry, thanks to a range of efficiency and emissions reduction technologies.
Biodiversity-related community engagement and investment
We communicate regularly with landowners and community members on our efforts to avoid and minimize land impacts. We also work with local communities near our Sabine Pass and Corpus Christi liquefaction facilities to identify coastal restoration and marine habitat projects that would benefit from our social investment. Examples of projects that we have invested in as a result include:
- Funding the improvement of public waterway access infrastructure on the Sabine-Neches waterway in partnership with the Texas Parks and Wildlife Foundation, City of Port Arthur, Jefferson County and Sabine Pass Port Authority.
- Supporting the Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program in their shoreline planning and engineering efforts to improve waterway access at Violet Andrews Park in Portland, Texas, as well as an oyster reef restoration project in St. Charles Bay, Texas.