Climate strategy
We believe that LNG has a critical role to play in meeting the world’s energy needs, improving air quality and supporting the transition to a lower-carbon future. Cheniere’s climate strategy is to maximize the environmental benefits of our LNG through two critical and complementary components of GHG emissions management: measurement and mitigation.
We have taken a data-driven approach that leverages our unique position within the LNG supply chain to collaborate with our suppliers, scientific experts and customers to improve the climate competitiveness of our LNG and strengthen the resilience of our business over the long term. To that end, we believe that a reliable and holistic assessment of the GHG emissions profile of our LNG operations and supply chain is crucial to inform our investments in strategic and cost-effective opportunities to improve our GHG emissions performance.
Our programs supporting this strategy involve transparent collaboration with members of our supply chain, enabling our stakeholders to better understand the emissions profile of the LNG we deliver and to identify opportunities to improve emissions performance. By providing business partners with actionable emissions data, we are supporting opportunities for improved emissions performance beyond our immediate operations. We believe this strategy is how we can add the most effective and immediate climate value as we help to meet the world’s energy needs.