Our QMRV program was initiated in 2021 to improve the understanding of GHG emissions through the deployment of advanced monitoring technologies and protocols. The study was completed in 2023, and the results have been published in multiple peer-reviewed journals. The studies reveal important principles to guide future emission-detection and quantification strategies in the supply chain. See Report Center for links to these papers. 

Among other learnings, our QMRV work highlights the importance of understanding the limitations of individual measurement technologies to achieve a cohesive understanding of emissions on a technological, site-specific or regional level. This multi-pronged approach is preferred, as any single method might miss key emission sources.

Key Findings

  • Measurement-informed inventories are generally higher than traditional inventory methods.
  • Midstream facility complexities make measurement difficult given that varying technologies can give significantly different answers for the same facility when deployed simultaneously.
  • Operator engagement is critical to reconciling measurements and engineering-estimates to identify design and operator changes necessary for cost-effective mitigation.
  • Independent, third-party verification is critical not only for external credibility but also improved data analysis.
  • Growing use of measurement-based approaches to methane mitigation provides a scalable way to improve inventories.