Since 2019, we have partnered with the University of Texas at Austin to sponsor the installation and maintenance of an ambient-air monitoring station within the Gregory-Portland Independent School District (G-PISD) limits in the city of Gregory, Texas. This school district is located near several industrial facilities, and as a responsible neighbor, in 2019 we designed and installed this air monitoring station — also Gregory’s first — to enhance the existing local air quality network and to help address community needs. 

Air monitors gather air quality data and publicly share information about the results, measuring levels of VOCs, NOx, SO2 and fine PM. In the most recent report from the UT-Austin researchers, they say: Data collected over four years of continuous monitoring at three locations in Portland and Gregory show air quality remains excellent in comparison to other Texas cities. Air quality standards set by federal and state agencies continue to be met, while local industrial sites operate at full capacity.”

Air monitors can detect and measure even small amounts of chemicals and particles in the air. The chemicals and particles can come from many places such as gasoline-powered lawn mowers and leaf blowers, barbecue grills, cars, small businesses and large industrial plants. If the monitors detect increased levels of a certain air emission, appropriate personnel can be alerted to determine where the emissions are coming from and who may be affected, and work to minimize or eliminate any harm that could occur. 

Our partners at the University of Texas at Austin manage the project and engage local stakeholders through public presentations on the operations of the air monitoring site, data findings and analysis. By working with G-PISD, we act as a responsible neighbor by putting local communities at the center of our commitment to the environment.

We appreciate Cheniere’s partnership with our school district and their diligence in addressing the community’s desire to monitor air quality in our area. This station will serve not only to provide public information and potential educational opportunities for our students, but it will also act as a catalyst for industrial transparency in our region.” 

Dr. Paul Clore
Superintendent 2001-2020